Monday, June 30, 2008

Wonder if She Needs a Publicist...

I think I need to get back into the Christian Music Industry. Here's the story:

Everyday at about 11:00 am I get an email from US Weekly. My addiction to US weekly began as everyone else's does...the occasional purchase of one at an airport, then maybe when I was laying out, then only when Brittney was on the cover...nothing big.

Then I got a subscription for my birthday last year and it was downhill from there. I knew EVERYTHING about pop culture. I was slightly obsessed. I had to cut myself off for a bit. Thank you for blocking the pop culture websites, dear place of employment! You are like rehab.

The one thing that slips through the cracks are my emails from US Weekly that I apparently receive due to my previous subscription to the magazine. Today, I reaffirmed why I get such emails when this little gem came though: read it right. Heidi Montag wants to record a Christian album! (Mrs. Conville...she's a crazy reality TV starlet...kinda like a smarter younger Anna Nicole mixed with some Paris Hilton)

I just had to share such things. This was just too funny...especially the part about her denomination.

Hope that helps you through the day, cause it certainly helped me get through mine!

Friday, June 27, 2008


Yep, you know me well. I'm the girl who loves sharing good music with you!

I'll write some little anecdote a little later, but if you are Lindsey Arita, and enjoy my taste in music then I highly reccomend that you check out my morning project (of course there was some work mixed in there too!).

I'm going to try to make themed playlists, so if you have suggestions (first one will be songs about California) let me know!

Other than that, I suggest that you read's a repost from my friend "Holland" who I love dearly...and she makes a good point!!

"Let's Talk...
about appropriate bathroom behavior at work.
Here are some basic rules to follow:
1. Do NOT talk on your cell phone while using the restroom. This is not only rude to the person you are on the phone with, but also to the other people in the restroom. And yes, we ARE judging you and your germ infested cell phone as well as any pot luck food you bring to work.

2. Do NOT sit in a stall next to someone unless there are no other stalls available.

3. WASH YOUR HANDS - if ONLY for the comfort of those who see you leave with dirty hands. This means soap people, water is not a disinfectant.

4. Clean up after yourself. That includes making sure the toilet flushed and not splashing water all over the countertop.

5. Rule #2 is not to be discussed. This is an unsaid rule so if you break it, don't explain to the person why you sat next to them. That is just awkward.

And yes, all of these things have happened to me personally and occur regularly at my place of business. Except for #5, that was just the one time."

For the record, I've also had an encounter with all of these people! Who talks on their cell phone in the restroom at work??

Thursday, June 26, 2008

CSI: Nashville

Have you ever noticed that in crime movies, they all start off the same? The first scene in any conflict movie has the family, girl, child, men, in a state of blissful ignorance towards the events that will eventually befall them.

Then, suddenly, the music changes: BAM! their world is shattered.

Yesterday morning began like any other. I woke up, took a shower, put on my cute little Ann Taylor outfit, and drove to work. I was working hard when around 11:30 am I received a phone call from my sweet little roommate..."Carrie!" said Becca, "I think our house was broken into"

Always the skeptic (we live in a really nice area) I started to think through alternate scenarios: maybe the door was left open this morning, maybe we slammed it too hard and the side of the panel came off, leaving the door open. Nevertheless, I made Becca wait outside the house while we called the cops and I left work to come home.

When I got there, we were greeted by two cops: Officer CSI 1 and Officer CSI 2. The first one went through the house (before I ever was allowed in) and checked to see that it was a breakin. He came out and said simply "Looks like they went through everything pretty good".

There: that was the point where I felt it...VIOLATION. To someone like me who has never really had to deal with living in the "bad area" I've always felt safe at home. Home is supposed to do that to you. It has this warm blanket feeling to it. But knowing that someone else came into MY house and went through MY stuff was just unsettling.

Unfortunately for him, he didn't know what he had coming. Living in a good area, the bad guy probably thought that he would hit a fortune, only to hit a house inhabited by 2 twentysomethings. He apparently was not very bright either as he threw out my jewelry on my bed and left it laying next to my laptop and digital camera.

Officers CSI 1&2 pulled out the gloves and explained everything to us. Where he went in the house, what he was looking for, "ah, see this, he shut this drawer in a hurry". They were trying to be cool cops. They even ran through a list of names of men: "Is Tim Gunner still in jail? He loves this area...I think I saw him the other day".

All in all, what saved me was my messy room. My room was full of some piles of clothes from the dryer that I haven't put up and a suitcase from Michigan that held my nice jewelry, but was under a pile of clothes. I think that if the only thing violated was my security, then I came off unharmed.

As for Becca and I...we celebrated our random day off with champagne and sunshine and slept with our bedroom doors locked and lights on.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Miss Jessie Baylin!


My dear sweet friend here in Nashville is not here with me to celebrate, but she's wonderful none the less. Today, friends, is the day that my friend Jessie's CD is available everywhere! I'm so excited for her.
So...true to Carrie form...I met her when she was on tour with a guy named James Morrison about a year ago (who is one of my favorite artists). She was from LA (and you know how I love LA), but I didn't talk to her at all. I made friends over chats about, however, with her guitar player...a guy named Eric Robinson who we lovingly now call the "Hat Bastard" since he is rarely seen without a hat.
Fast forward a year and I'm still communicating with Eric via MySpace and text messaging. Still wanting to befriend this little bohemian doll. I finally ran into her out one night and started chatting and it was immediately clear that we were meant to be friends! This girl is VERY dear to me!

Today is her album release...and you guys know how picky I am about music. You can listen to one of her songs on my player down and to the right. Her voice is very jazzy/bluesy and is perfect for sitting out on a porch and sipping on some coffee.
Pick it up today!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

My week in pictures

One of my girls here in Nashville: Stefanie Marshall

Billy Gimmell & I at Cannery Ballroom

My dear sweet friend, Jodi Cobb & I at Marc Broussard's concert

St. Joseph, MI...I'll be living here for 7 weeks come October!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

October 27, 2008

This week has been crazy. I'm sorry for my lack of writing, but I'll start with last Thursday...June 12:

Mom and dad came into town! I was so grateful to have them here, only a little stressed out about them being here at a time when I was super busy and a little stressed out. Although mom's and dad's can relieve stress when you're fully prepared for something, sometimes they (unintentionally) can add to stress when you have a lot going on. I fell into that category.

A few months ago in my young women's professional group we were all talking about my lack of a job. This has been a common subject since I am not just looking for a job, but for a career. At the end of the meeting, my dear sweet friend Krissy came over and said that I should send her my resume. I did, and after a few weeks had a phone interview. I thought it didn't go so well so I wasn't that surprised when 3 weeks passed and I hadn't heard anything. I did decide that I would throw out an email and make sure that the wheels were turning...or dead.

To my surprise, I received an email back about 2nd round interviews! They wanted me to fly up to Benton Harbor, MI and have a face to face interview. Not only that, they wanted me to prepare a 10 minute persuasive presentation on a topic of my choosing...with powerpoint! Lucky for me, mom & dad were here to help me with my presentation skills before I left (they also bought me some savvy work clothes from Banana).

So, this week on Tuesday morning, I woke up bright and early and hopped on a plane to South Bend, IN, rented a car, and drove to St. Joseph, MI. This town was beautiful! They really treated me nicely as a candidate. I stayed in a suite at a little hotel across from the beach (it's on Lake Michigan) and was taken to dinner with the 7 other candidates. They paid for all my food and gas while I was's great to be treated well as a job candidate.

My interview was on Wednesday morning. I prepared some folders for the interviewers that included my resume and powerpoint and even a CD with the powerpoint on it in case they wanted to watch it again. I had 2 intimidating panel interviews with 3 people each...they were about 20 minutes long and felt like I had just run a sprint when I finished. If you are ever in a similar situation, I recommend wearing lots of deoderant!

The presentation part went a bit rough I thought. They threw a camera on, and I am not one to ever be on a TV show. Cameras just make me want to stop talking and stare blankly! I got through it though, and even gave out maracas at the end of my presentation. Then spent the rest of the day at the beach laying out. Not a bad job interview!

They told me they'd get back to me soon.

Well, I heard back the next day. And...


I am officially going to be a Consumer Sales consultant with Whirlpool. And the best part is: I have no idea where I'm moving at the beginning of 2009. It could be anywhere! I am thrilled!

I guess I'll have to change the name of my blog?

Thursday, June 19, 2008


My best friend in NYC has this job where she works for some multi billionaire finance guy (i don’t know the details). her duties are those of any other 3rd assistant to a multi billionaire: talk to Al Gore, get the new e-mail address for the Prime Minister of England, buy books on oil in the middle east, serve coffee to Richard Branson and today…write Prince Charles a letter on behalf of the multi-billionaire. I’m lucky to have such a great friend:

Your Royal Highness,

Thank you for your letter of April 23rd regarding The Prince’s Foundation’s work in Sierra Leon. I have only just received the letter today and have passed it along to the directors of our Africa programs at my foundation. Also, a friend of my assistant, the one whose name i do not know, would like to make sure she is still on track to marry into your family.

Best regards,

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Crackberry

November of 2006, I traveled from Nashville, TN to Mt. Pleasant, TX to take part in the festivities that surrounded the Arita wedding. It was a grand affair and a great time had by all.

My dear little sweet roommate got married and all the roommates were there to watch her walk down the aisle (Holly was there in spirit).

While there, I finally caved and bought myself a little gift: a new phone. My old phone had been held together by hair rubber bands for months and was finally reaching it's last leg. It was quite obviously an out of date phone. I finally caved and bought a Razor phone. (sidenote: my other roommate Camille once thought that a Razor phone was an actual Razor and an actual phone in one...)

19 months later, my little razor phone had hit it's last leg. For the last few weeks, it has enjoyed the torment that ensues when it decided to hang up on my parents, friends, or whoever else I might be talking to on the phone. I HATED it, but I was holding out for the 2 year mark. The day when I could go to the store with pride and buy myself an iPhone. July 11, that was going to be the maybe not 2 years, but close.

Dreams were dashed today when the screen died while I was at the dry cleaners. I knew I couldn't function without texts or even just knowing who called. So I scooted over to the AT&T store and made the decision that it was time to upgrade. I finally caved and bought a Blackberry. Yep, I'm the most professional looking unemployed girl ever.

I will be using it to check from work.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Last Night's Worry...

Skin cancer.

Yep...i was convinced that my years of carefree bliss and fun in the sun had transformed me into a mutated mess.

I'm making a dermatologist appointment for my own sanity.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ain't No Cure...

for the summertime blues...but lucky for you, I added some sweet tunes to get you through the day :)

You can check out my mini-playlist!

Getting Started...Again

I feel as though I have failed my good friends. Several years ago, I started myself a Xanga page. This was the page that I used to communicate with my friends while I was away in Europe, home for summer, Senior year of college, and finally...first moved to Nashville. I have since abandoned said blog. RIP, little buddy!

The story of this blog is simple. I, Carrie Blurton, moved to Nashville with a dream. With stars in my eyes, a degree in my hand, and a heart for music I dove head first into the music industry hoping to find money, fame, and promote the stars. (Of course, like any girl I possibly maybe even wanted to marry a musician...that dream has since been dashed to the reality that musicians are SO not my type).

I worked hard, gained the music industry job and worked promoting music videos and going to concerts for a year and a half. On September 12, my dreams were again broken when I was laid off. My last paycheck from the music industry went into my account on my 25th birthday.

Since that day, I have been 25 and Unemployed.

My many adventures so far have been compiled privately, but as I'm discovering...more and more people identify with what I'm going through. I have decided to make my unauthorized, non-payable psycological study about what it's like to be in this predicament public.

We'll begin with this little finding this week:

Fact: I'm working as a temp at a construction equipment company. I have a desk with a window on the 4th floor that overlooks my favorite music venue, Exit In...oh the irony. Although I have a job, I really don't. Luxuries like paid holidays do not come when you're a temp. They should be called: "Days When Carrie Can't Eat".

Okay, maybe things aren't that bad, but I find myself stressed out about the weirdest things lately. My job involves running credit checks on people and companies. I had someone explain to me a credit report last week and looking over it made me nervous. What if I had a credit check run on me?? Would I be able to lease a piece of Construction equipment?? A stupid thought...seeing that I never once wanted to rent any kind of construction equipment, but that thought lasted me through the night. There were tears involved...all over the potential that I would have a bad credit score. I paniced as I remembered the late Blockbuster Videos, the forgotten and later paid off Cable bills from college, the occasional late Cell phone bill. All these things that I thought never mattered.

I finally called my dad. Jerry is always able to help make matters better. Dad, being the great man that he is, eventually had to calm my nerves by running a credit report on me. I am happy to say, I am all paid off and current. PHEW!

If you or someone you know has this fear please go to You ARE able to check your credit 3 times a year. This might just save your life...or just help you sleep better at one wants to have a worried friend (see below)