Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm Not 21 Anymore, Toto

I have 5 minutes left in my day at work and I have decided to tell you that this week has taught me a valuable lesson.

When I was at Baylor, I thrived on 4 hours of sleep a night. It allowed me the perfect go to class, nap, study, and play time ratio.

This week, I have realized that I am no longer 22 year old Carrie.

True, I enjoy a good time. I like hanging out with friends and occasionally staying up a little past my bedtime, but this week was one of those every night something was going on weeks and quite honestly, I truly miss the sleep.

With that I bid farewell to my 21 year old self. I am no longer a part of you nor are you a part of me. We have parted ways indefinitely. I will no longer be hanging out, except for in my dreams.

I think I need a nap.